Spanish Backpack - Spanish teaching tools
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SpanishBackpack.COM is a great resource for students AND teachers!

You've just found a great tool for teaching and learning Spanish. If you're a Spanish teacher looking for a great resource for you and your students, or if you're an administrator looking for a wonderful resource for your school or your school district, you've come to the right place!

SpanishBackpack.COM is a service provided by Conversa Language Programs, designed to provide Spanish teachers with a great toolset for complementing their Spanish teaching portfolio. It also serves as a great tool for our student community. SpanishBackpack offers thousands of Spanish practice exercises, thousands of Spanish vocabulary words and phrases, and a robust set of tools to bring the content to the student.

In addition to the great content, which strongly supports teachers and the flipped classroom approach, SpanishBackpack can save teachers a great deal of time as well. Among the tools available to Spanish teachers is a powerful homework assignment creator and manager. Spanish teachers can create homework assignments for their students by choosing from thousands of exercises, categorized by grammar topic as well as general area of interest.

Teachers can also easily assign homework based on a schedule, telling the system when a homework assignment should be available to the student and when it's due. A Spanish teacher can literally enter all of the homework assignments into the students' lockers on the first day of class and SpanishBackpack will take care of the rest! Assignments are graded automatically and the results are stored in each student's record. Spanish teachers can see how students did by homework assignment, and even by exercises! This way a teacher can very easily see where the class is doing well and where they can use more help.

Another key characteristic of is how we've integrated audio into just about all aspects of the tool. Not only do practice exercises make extensive use of audio clips recorded by native Spanish speakers, teachers can create their own exercises as well. This applies to vocabulary elements as well!

As if that weren't enough, Spanish teachers can even assign homework to students requiring the student to record an audio clip. The students simply log into and click on the assignment. Right then and there they'll find an easy-to-use tool that allows them to record their response, right from the web browser. The next time the teacher goes into, the students' responses will be ready and waiting - and the teacher can easily listen to the response, and even assign a grade - all with just a few clicks.

Our goal at is to provide Spanish teachers and Spanish students with a fun tool to complement the classroom. It's our firm belief that the more your students enjoy the material, the more they'll learn. And that's what is all about...

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